Equity Outcomei

Access to Necessities

Increase access, convenience and reliability to fundamental daily necessities that improve social mobility and quality of life, especially for underserved communities.

Evaluation Metrics

Number of grocery stores accessible in 20 minutes using a micromobility vehicle

(This metric is based on using the centroid for all census blocks in an area. Cities will also need to determine an appropriate walking distance/time for their calculations.)

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Number of healthcare facilities accessible in 20 minutes using a micromobility vehicle

(This metric is based on using the centroid for all census blocks in an area. Cities will also need to determine an appropriate walking distance/time for their calculations.)

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Number of educational facilities accessible in 30 minutes using a micromobility vehicle

(This metric is based on using the centroid for all census blocks in an area. Cities will also need to determine an appropriate walking distance/time for their calculations.)

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Number of core government services accessible in 30 minutes using a micromobility vehicle

(This metric is based on using the centroid for all census blocks in an area. Cities will also need to determine an appropriate walking distance/time for their calculations.)

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Number of jobs accessible in 30 minutes using a micromobility vehicle

(This metric is based on using the centroid for all census blocks in an area. Cities will also need to determine an appropriate walking distance/time for their calculations.)

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Evaluation Metrics

Trip use case survey answers

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Percentage of trips that start or end at education, healthcare, grocery store, and other community necessities

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Trips originating and terminating in underserved areas (total trips + trips per 10,000ppl)

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Equity Metrics

Comparison of survey answers in underserved areas vs. total service area

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Comparison of the percentage of trips that start or end at community necessities in underserved areas vs. total service area

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Evaluation Metrics

Number and percentage of trips starting and/or ending near transit

(Cities will need to determine an appropriate distance for analysis. For example, the City of Chicago used "300 feet from a train station or 60 feet from a bus stop" in their evaluation.)

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Potential “first mile” trips (trips ending near transit)

(Cities will need to determine an appropriate distance for analysis. For example, the City of Chicago used "300 feet from a train station or 60 feet from a bus stop" in their evaluation.)

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Potential “last mile” trips (trips starting near transit)

(Cities will need to determine an appropriate distance for analysis. For example, the City of Chicago used "300 feet from a train station or 60 feet from a bus stop" in their evaluation.)

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Potential transit replacement trips (starting and ending on one transit route)

(Cities will need to determine an appropriate distance for analysis. For example, the City of Chicago used "300 feet from a train station or 60 feet from a bus stop" in their evaluation.)

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Equity Metrics

Comparison of number and percentage of trips that start or end at transit locations in underserved areas vs. total service area

(Cities will need to determine an appropriate distance for analysis. For example, the City of Chicago used "300 feet from a train station or 60 feet from a bus stop" in their evaluation.)

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Evaluation Metrics

Number and percentage of new trips taken in underserved areas vs. total service area (total trips + trips per 10,000ppl)

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