Safety Outcomei
Healthy, safe travel and hazard free public spaces for riders and residents of all ages and abilities, especially vulnerable road users.
Total crashes by month
Crashes per 100,000 miles
Crashes per 100,000 trips
As compared to relative use, is there a difference in the level of crashes occurring in underserved neighborhoods?
Comparison of crashes per 100,000 miles in underserved areas vs. total service area
Comparison of crashes per 100,000 trips in underserved areas vs. total service area
Total crashes compared against total usage in underserved areas vs. entire service area
Crashes disaggregated by contributing factor
Crashes disaggregated by contributing factor in underserved areas vs. entire service area
Crashes disaggregated by severity
As compared to relative use, are the severity of crashes in underserved neighborhoods different than other parts of the city?
Crashes per 100,000 trips disaggregated by severity in underserved areas vs. entire service area
Total number of observed parking safety incidents involving the safety of another party (blocking sidewalk, ADA access, etc.)
Total number of observed issues with vehicles in motion involving another party
Complaints about vehicles in motion involving another party
Complaints about parked vehicles involving the safety of another party (blocking sidewalk, ADA access, etc.)
ex: Operators requried to remedy ADA violations in xxx hours after being notified (correspond with local regulations)
Percentage of notifications that are remedied in the stated time period (should correspond with local regulations)
Total number of observed issues with vehicles in motion
Total number of observed issues with parked vehicles
Total safety incidents involving emergency room visits by pedestrians and other non-riders
Is there a different level of observed issues with vehicles in motion in underserved neighborhoods?
Is there a different level of observed issues with parked vehicles in underserved neighborhoods?
Total number of observed issues with vehicles in motion in underserved areas vs entire service area
Total number of observed issues with parked vehicles in underserved areas vs entire service area